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May 2009
What a big month for Kayla. She knocked over Whitey and Lucy's water dispenser (actually Lucy informed us it was a "ceramic water carafe") and cut her head in two places. Then she got her first ambulance ride and her first stitches soon after. Later that week she got her first haircut.
She also got to ride a horse at the Farmers Market!

Kayla is talking a lot now. She is hard to understand if you don't listen to it all the time, so I've made a short list of interpretations:

boo yeah =             Barney
o yeah     =            orange
doh yeah =           doggie
pussy     =              chupy (that's her pacifier)
neh neh caw =        (Auntie) nen nen's car
din nasty =             gymnastics
doowah     =            dizzle (grandma Maggie)
ehmo puck =           Elmo cup

Kayla riding a horse at Farmers Market

Hi, mama!

Before stitches

After stitches

Kayla must have had the munchies this night. We found her at the kitchen table eating banana bread that our new neighbor brought over and Jamba Juice!

Dad and Kayla going for a ride in Uncle Whitey's boat. We went to Blue Lakes for Memorial weekend.

Kayla's first haircut!

We weren't going to cut her hair yet, and Ashley didn't want Kayla to have bangs, but we decided to because of her stitches.