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  May 2009 
We were at Whitey and Lucy's house playing poker on a Friday night and in the middle of the game we heard a loud crash. Then Kayla came out of the kitchen crying and bloody. We called 911 and a firetruck came in about 2 minutes flat and took Kayla to Kaiser in Santa Rosa.
It sounds a lot worse than it really was. It was a big gash though as you can see.
She handled it like a champ and she came up with a new saying, "All done, bye!". She would say it everytime the doctors came to see her and examine, or wash, or stitch up her cut.

you think the cut is big in the pictures, you should've seen it when the doctor spread it open to clean it!

Kayla stayed pretty calm the whole time and cuddled with her bear that the fireman gave her

stitching up the cuts

After stitches

All done, bye!

The day after ...
bedhead and stitches